Thursday, February 23, 2012

Build a Team

 Team building quotes are essential for leaders seeking valuable ways to create and maintain a healthy team and work environment. Here are a few team building quotes sure to motivate and inspire!

Education Through Leadership Teamwork

”We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
- Benjamin Franklin

 ”The ratio of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team.”
- Lewis B. Ergen

”Let’s make a dent in the universe.”
- Steve Jobs

”I am easily satisfied with the very best.”
- Winston Churchill

”The will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.”
- Thane Yost

 ”It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”
- John Wooden

”The most important thing about education is appetite.”
- Winston Churchill

”Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
- Mark Twain

”If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough.”
- Mario Andretti

”Big thinking precedes great achievement.”
- Wilferd Peterson

”The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.”
- John Scully

”A championship team is a team of champions.”
- Unknown

 ”Teamwork: Simply stated, it is less me and more we.”
- Unknown

”Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
- Unknown

 ”Teams share the burden and divide the grief.”
- Doug Smith

 ”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
- Unknown

 ”If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
- Thomas Edison

 ”If a man be gloomy let him keep to himself. No one has the right to go groaking about society, or what is worse, looking as if he stifled grief.”
- Benjamin Disraeli

 ”Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”
- Henry Ford

 ”Up is never where you are now.”
- Belasco & Stayer

 ”A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skill of the others.”
- Norman Shidle

”We are most effect as a team when we complement each other without embarrassment and disagree without fear.”
- Unknown

 ”Wearing the same shirts doesn’t make a team.”
- Buchholz and Roth

 ”A team is more than a collection of people. It is a process of give and take.”
- Barbara Glacel & Emile Robert Jr.

 ”Change your thoughts and you change the world.”
- Norman Vincent Peale

 ”There ain’t no rules here. We’re trying to accomplish something.”
- Thomas Edison

 ”The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.”
- Dr. Linus Pauling

 ”Once we rid ourselves of traditional thinking we can get on with creating the future.”
- James Bertrand

”Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted messages will always have an audience.”
- Steve Burnett

”The basic building block of good team-building is for a leader to promote the feeling that every human being is unique and adds value.”
- Unknown

 ”Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”
- Michael Jordan

 ”None of us is as smart as all of us.”
- Ken Blanchard

 ”When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality.”
- Joe Paterno

 ”Rather than asking how to do something, ask how to do something for a million dollars.”
- Unknown

 ”Teamwork doesn’t tolerate the inconvenience of distance.”
- Unknown

 ”No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.”
- H.E. Luccock

”T.E.A.M = Together everyone achieves more.”
- Unknown

 ”There is no I in Teamwork.”
- Unknown

”Wild ducks make a lot of noise, but they also have the sense to benefit from occasionally flying in formation.”
- Unknown

 ”It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.”
- Unknown

 ”No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.”
- Althea Gibson

 ”Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success.”
- Unknown

 ”Overcoming barriers to performance is how groups become teams.”
- Unknown

 ”Teamplayer: One who unites others toward a shared destiny through sharing information and ideas, empowering others and developing trust.”
- Dennis Kinlaw

”It is necessary to try to surpass one’s self always: this occupation ought to last as long as life.”
- Queen Christina of Sweden

 ”We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”
- Aristotle

 ”There are no short cuts to any place worth going.”
- Beverly Sills

 ”If we don’t discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us.”
- William Feather

”Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”

- Henry Ford

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