Remembering the past exploits of our war heroes is unpleasant because it’s attached to a past or present war, but we belittle those who served and sacrifices so much when we don’t remember, especially those who are serving us so unselfishly now. America’s attention span is sometimes short and often takes for granted the very things we should cherish most; Our Freedom!
My friend Alan posted a picture of his grandfather who served in World War II and I was quickly reminded of the impact war had on my family. Pictures always have a way of telling a story, even when those in them are not present to share their own story.
In the mist of the Cuban revolution and the disparity of living in a totalitarian system, my dad’s sister married a World War II veteran and because of that union my family was granted asylum years later. America became a refuge for my family. No one who has ever lived under a totalitarian system could understand the value of freedom or comprehend the cost many heroes have paid and are paying to afford us the many rights we often take for granted. Living in freedom is a gift; not an entitlement!
They were willing to face the uncertainties of life in a country where they knew nothing of the language and little of the culture. Their focus was providing a new life for their children in a place where they could live in freedom and allow their children to grow up loving a country that had become their own. Once they left Cuba, they never thought, the impact of the revolution would stop them from seeing many family members again. My siblings and I know of these family members because of stories, but they are stories without imagines.
I was a year old when my family arrived from Cuba; my history and knowing where I came from has always been a passion. As I grew up, I was mesmerized reading history books and actually reading stories where images were included. Reading about Americans who gave their lives in World War I & II and other wars, in defense of the Nation's integrity, honor and tranquility was always humbling to me. I remember the first time; I visited the Tomb of America's Unknown Soldiers and the emotional symbolism it represented. There were no images or stories attached, “they were American Soldiers, known only to God.” No one knows who they were; no one knows their story; all that is known is that they sacrifice so much for the benefit of others.
The Espinosa family will always be grateful to the United States for providing us an opportunity to start a new life living in freedom. Although I was only one when my family arrived from Cuba; I am and always will be an American. I’m not a hyphenated American. This doesn’t negate my love for my roots, culture and all my family who still lives under an oppressed government. There are families and friends from diverse backgrounds and different parts of the country who have been affected by a war of some kind. As you reflect on these impacts make sure you cherish the pictures and stories attached to them.
I want to thank my Uncle Benjamin Palacios and Alan’s grandfather Robert Ellison Wheeler, both World War II veterans for their willingness to serve. I would also be remise if I didn’t thank my aunt Obdulia for marrying uncle Ben and to my Mom and Dad for unselfishly allowing me to live the journey of a lifetime!