Make decisions. As a leader, making decisions will be one of your first objectives. You have to be able to make smart decisions without hesitation or regard for yourself
Learn how to take smart risks. These are all part of the game, regardless of the business of industry. You have to be ready and confident enough to take smart risks. People are told all their lives not to risk anything. These individuals were never and will never be leaders. To be successful in a business, leaders have to be able to take calculated risks.
Know how to motivate others around you. Know the members of your team. Understand what makes them tick. By motivating your co-workers and team members, your company/business will be more successful than ever.
Communicate well. Communication can either build a business stronger or tear it down to the foundation. Be honest in your communication with everyone you come in contact with. Honesty will strengthen the respect people have for you, as well as solidifying business relationships.
Guide others to success. As a leader, you cannot be solely concerned with your own success. You have to be concerned with the success of others in your organization as well. Without this guidance, the business will not thrive forever.
Set personal and team goals. You and your co-workers will not be working toward anything if you do not set goals. You should have personal goals but you should also get goals for the entire team as well. Set all goals lofty, but attainable.
Take criticism well. Remember you will never be able to make everybody happy. Because of this, you need to look at all criticism as constructive criticism. In other words, take all criticism and see what you can make positive out of it.
Stand strong in your beliefs regardless of who is standing with you or against you. You may not always be a popular person because of this but you will be a very successful and respected leader.
Be fair. To your customers, co-workers, and anybody else you come in contact with. As long as you remain fair to them, they will honor you with the same thing.
Great Post:)